Stefano Maggi, President
Eleonora Belloni, Vice President
Salvatore Bordonaro, Secretary

Matteo Senna

Scientific Commitee
Stefano Maggi, President
Michela Minesso
Massimiliano Paniga
Alessandro Tuzza

The Foundation for Mutuality Cesare Pozzo

The Foundation Cesare Pozzo for Mutuality was created in 2008 by the Mutual Benefit Society Cesare Pozzo, the largest Italian Society of mutuality in the field of integrative health care, with more than 130 years of experience.

The Mutual Benefit Society gave birth to the Foundation on the one hand to witness a consolidated presence in the field of solidarity, on the other to enhance history, ideas and ethical roots of all expressions of mutualism in the view of the social economy, promoting research, studies and conferences on aspects of the past and present.

With the Foundation, the Mutual Benefit Society implements a dynamic tool to request a full legitimacy of the model of mutual aid in civil society and in the economy in order to increase the well-being and social cohesion.

The Foundation for Mutuality wants to know the mutual aid to a wider audience of civil society and make it clear to all that the projects of mutual aid are an essential tool to bring workers, families, part of the society to more advanced levels of economic well-being, participation and effective enjoyment of the rights of citizenship.

The Foundation wants to open a communication channel more structured and permanent, to those who work on the needs and those who are not included in the fundamental rights, especially in a period of severe social and economic emergency. The Foundation is an entity that can carry out activities of social solidarity without compensation, while the Mutual Benefit Society, by law, cannot do anything, or almost, for non-members.

The Foundation can also be a bridge to the world for profit, to commercial enterprises who care about their reputation in the aspect of social responsibility. To those enterprises the Foundation can talk about solidarity and ethics, although in an operational and cultural different plan: it may open positive comparisons of management practices.

Much can make the Foundation to create favorable conditions towards a virtuous cycle of new relationships and attention. This is accomplished through conferences, training programs, studies and research on social needs and monitoring the quality of services, in order to compare models and behavior of the various actors in the market of social services (non-profit organizations, public bodies and their “dealers”, social cooperation, and profit-making companies).

The activities and cultural events, with a formidable cultural tool such as the Library Cesare Pozzo for Transport and Mutuality can also ensure the attention of the academic and cultural institutions of public history, models and agencies of mutual aid.

Cesare Pozzo

The National Society of Mutual Benefit Society Cesare Pozzo and the Foundation Cesare Pozzo for Mutuality owe their name to one of the first presidents of the society.

Cesare Pozzo was born on 1st January 1853 in Novi Ligure, at age 21 was taken by the Railways of Northern Italy as a stoker in the deposit of Pontedecimo. He was then promoted to machinist and participated in the first meeting of the Mutual Benefit Society between Railway Machinists and Stokers of Northern Italy Railways, founded in Milan in 1877. In 1886, with the support of a group of young drivers critical to the traditional leadership, he was elected president of the Mutual Benefit Society.

He immediately began his work bringing order and transparency in the financial statements of the Society and adopting measures which could encourage participation and internal democracy. Under his presidency the Mutual Benefit Society had an attitude much more adventurous and open to the claims and struggles of the labor movement. Meanwhile, Cesare Pozzo carried out an intense publishing activity and deepening of social and political issues. Pozzo passed from the initial Giuseppe Mazzini’s ideas to those anarchist, finally joined with enthusiasm and commitment to the socialism.

Result of his activities are continuing punitive transfers submitted by the railway company. Also for this reason, in 1890 he was forced to resign the presidency of the Mutual Benefit Society. On behalf of the Machinists and Stokers, in 1892 to participated in the founding congress of the Italian Socialist Party. He was also a major player in the birth of the League of the railwaymen, the first trade union organization among railway workers, which joined the Italian Socialist Party. In May 1898, the reactionary government of General Pelloux unleashed repression. All organizations of the labor movement, including railway workers were outlawed. In Milan, the army fired artillery into the crowd and occupied the house of the railwaymen in Via San Gregorio. Cesare Pozzo, to whom the work and intense study had resulted in forms of nervous exhaustion, could not resist the pain of seeing destroyed everything he had painstakingly helped to create. On 15 May 1898, in Udine, committed suicide by throwing himself under a locomotive.


Il tormento di un'idea
Il tormento di un'idea : vita e opera di Cesare Pozzo
Dal sindacato al socialismo (1853-1898)

di Stefano Maggi
Milano : F. Angeli, 1998
219 pagine
ISBN 978-88-464-0811-2
Collocazione: Mo.f.0085

La sede

La Fondazione Cesare Pozzo per la mutualità  ETS ha sede a Milano, in via San Gregorio 48, nella storica Casa del Ferroviere.

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